Attention all new-family-centered professionals – nurses, midwives, doulas, massage therapists, lactation consultants, parenthood teachers, and personal trainers. Parents often come to you with their birth stories, opening their hearts and sharing concerns about their families. Often they personally feel they had a traumatic birth but don’t feel it was ‘bad enough’ to merit getting professional help. Their birth experience, uncertainty and all,  sets the stage for a tricky transition into parenthood full of continual questions… am I doing it right, am I a good enough parent, are we bonding well?

The good news?

You are in the perfect position to help an anxious parent make the transition into an amazing parent!  You are there, ready to serve and support these families who otherwise often don’t get the help they need. Often they know others who ‘had it worse’ or they had an emergency situation so they gloss over their own negative experience with platitudes such as ‘at least I have a healthy baby’ or ‘at least I can  have another’. Too often they tried to share their sadness and were treated dismissively, sometimes so much so that they feel they have no right to complain. Do you know how to support these anxious parents when they come to you? Do you know how to truly hear and support them?

Did you know there are simple tools that can help them move past the pain and into stress-relief? How do you support these families to the best of your ability without taking time away from what you are already doing and without providing therapy? I have taken the most straightforward information I have gleaned from years of working with those who have experienced birth trauma, and put it into this program that helps you help them in only minutes in the course of your normal interaction with them.

The RISE UP method of postpartum stress relief is simple yet meaningful, and you can go introduce it with the moms and dads you work with during your normal connection with them. A gift that will help ensure that you are serving them at your highest level, building connections that will create happier families and happier clients!

The RISE UP method of stress relief is like the Heimlich maneuver of working with new parents –  simple yet life-saving when applied quickly and correctly at the first sign of trouble! 

Ready to get started? Click here to register. Want to know what is involved? Keep reading… The RISE UP method of Postpartum Stress Relief certificate program includes the following:

  • Identifying birth traumas study module – why traumatized parents put on a brave face
  • Compassionate language study module – what to say, what NOT to say
  • Group phone call – role-playing
  • Oxytocin power study module – why it is never too late to bond
  • Epigenetic traumas study module – what they mean for families
  • Group phone call – QnA
  • Tools for stress-reduction study module – the RISE UP method of stress relief
  • Priceless get-help checklist study module – connect parents with resources they may not know to ask about
  • Group phone call – role-playing

You will get handouts and audio files for the study modules, information on how to join the group calls (recorded if you cannot attend), and a beautiful certificate to let families who come to you know you can help them.

Questions? Contact

Click here to register.