Syllabus for the RISE UP certificate program:
Session One
Identifying birth traumas study module – why trauma-mamas put on a brave face
Session Two
Compassionate language study module – what to say, what NOT to say
Group phone call – role-playing
Session Three
Oxytocin power study module – why it is never too late to bond
Session Four
Epigenetic traumas study module – what they mean for families
Group phone call – QnA
Session Five
Tools for stress-reduction study module – the RISE UP method of stress relief
Session Six
>>you are here
Priceless get-help checklist study module – connect moms with resources they may not know to ask about
Group phone call – role-playing
Welcome to session six of the
RISE UP Method of Postpartum Stress Relief
Get-Help Resources
Included in this session: A quick how-to for this page and its resources, links to familiarize yourself with – geared towards specific situations – and a quiz
Three steps:
- Familiarize yourself with the information at the links provided
- answer the quiz at the bottom
- email me via to set up a time for your QnA call.
If at any point you feel triggered or stressed during this session please contact me immediately via email:
Below is a selection of resources that I will share with families who are experiencing postpartum stress.
The FIRST resource is always the RISE UP process, since that will help us uncover the next steps. The clarity that comes with releasing the coulda-shoudas lets a family know what kind of support they need.
Example: If a woman is asking for breastfeeding help it is appropriate to ask her if she thinks trauma is part of her struggle. If she says “no” please *believe her* in the moment, as the breastfeeding help is what she needs right now. It may very well be you can see that healing her trauma would go a long way towards resolving her issue. Support her with the RISE UP method, allow her to explore the feelings and the judgments she may have of herself while you provide unconditional support.
So… I will add to these resources as I find additional ones. DO NOT SHARE THIS PAGE with your clients.
How to use this page:
Share a FEW resource links or the information from those links that suit the questions she is asking.
- Do not try to diagnose her or tell her she is struggling in ways she is not aware of.
- Be curious and remember you can always share more later.
- Be a well-spring of information, don’t ask your clients to drink from a fire-hose by sending them everything at once.
- Trickle the links and resources….